Floria Gueï's masterly lesson

These are incredibly complex times. To face up to this, we must, each at our own level, be able to project ourselves into the future and continue to believe in our ability to bounce back, even if we sometimes feel like we’re treading water in front of our screens… That’s why I wanted to show you this video, which you may already know but which is worth seeing again at this time to remind ourselves that the race is never lost…

At the 2014 European Championships in Zurich, Floria Gueï was the last to seize the baton and attacked her sprint with a considerable gap to the leading trio. No one doubts for a moment that she will finish fourth. But in a final, spectacular effort, the athlete not only managed to catch up with the peloton, but, to everyone’s surprise, won gold! When asked about her achievement, she explained that she had only one thought in mind: to break out the champagne with her teammate Muriel Hurtis, who was ending her sporting career that day. Despite intensive training and an athlete’s mentality, she might never have reached the podium if she hadn’t clung to that vision until she made it possible…

Today, we can also, each at our own level, visualize the film of the recovery and replay it to ourselves as often as necessary to stay focused and motivated at all times.

Let’s imagine the post-crisis period, the return to the office, the first team meetings, the next company retreat… Let’s visualize the new files we’ll be working on, the new working methods we could put in place, the new projects that could arise from this situation… And then let’s also imagine our next real, well-deserved vacation, the energy we’ll have to get back to work, the pleasure of going to lunch with colleagues… Projecting the post-crisis period will keep us going during the crisis, but it will also enable us to make these scenarios possible later on.

If you continue to manage your team remotely, take the time to visualize the recovery for your employees, to get them excited about the resumption of business. It will then be easier for everyone to hold on to this image than to stay motivated by working alone at home for a few hours a day… Together, let’s visualize a happy recovery to make it possible!

And you, what will your takeover scenario be?